
Complex Asset Performance Analytics

Delivering efficiency savings through improved decision support for the Type 23 Warship class

Complex Asset Performance Analytics

Delivering efficiency savings through improved decision support for the Type 23 Warship class

Improving decision support for the Type 23 Warship class

Combining our asset management and advanced analytics expertise, the Complex Asset Performance Analytics (CAPA) toolset has contributed to an efficiency saving as part of Project ATHENA, 水果派AV解说鈥檚 Through Life Management Improvement programme being used on the Type 23 Class programme.

With the need to deliver innovative Through Life Support of Complex Assets, we initiated an innovative asset management programme in order to meet the challenges posed by maintaining the fleet efficiently and effectively for their extended service lives.

CAPA fuses, models and visualises the many data sources related to the programme and transforms the information into decision support.

Combining information management, engineering know-how and applied technologies, the programme was aimed at exploiting legacy, emergent and future datasets in order to improve the 鈥榗ertainty of delivery鈥 of warship programmes and thereby deliver high levels of platform availability to the UK Royal Navy.